What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is based on the principle that ‘LIKE CURES LIKE”.  That is if a substance can cause symptoms of disease in a healthy person, then it can cure a sick person suffering from similar symptoms.  For example, a person has hay fever, with watery eyes and a burning nasal discharge.  Instead of giving an antihistamine to dry up the discharge, a homeopath might prescribe ALLIUM CEPA, which  is a tiny dose of ONION.  The remedies are prepared by a homeopathic pharmacy in accordance with FDA-approved guidelines. Onions are known to cause watery eyes and burning nasal discharge.

Homeopathy does regard symptoms as the body’s healthy attempt to restore itself to a balance.  When a homeopath uses a remedy it supports the symptoms, rather than opposing them or suppressing them as in conventional medicine.

I am trained as a constitutional Practitioner, which means treating the whole person. rather than just the symptoms alone,but I really work eclectically.








