The truth about WHOLE GRAINS

Some of the biggest whole grain offenders include:  BREAD, PASTA, CEREALS, CRACKERS, MUFFINS, DESSERTS, FLOURS, CHIPS AND GRANOLA BARS.

Unfortunately, most grains are the Number One offenders when it comes to ruining your metabolism and stopping your weight loss efforts.

So what should you do?  Well, you might want to consider replacing your grains with vegetables and some fresh fruits.  Try using sprouted grains, like Ezekiel bread or even sourdough bread.

Remember, the 3 compounds in grains that harm our system are GLUTEN, STARCH AND PHYTIC ACID.  Gluten does cause inflammation, which unfortunately is the culprit of all diseases. Starch turns into Sugar, and phytic acid binds with minerals which means you won’t be able to use vital minerals.  Bottom line is whole grains can harm your metabolism.
