Please, Stop drinking DIET COKE and all DIET DRINKS

Here are some reasons you might want to take this seriously: Drinking these products will NOT help you achieve your health goals. The pH of Sodas are 2.5, which is way too much ACID in the body. Each drink requires more than 10 glasses of water to balance out the body towards more neutral pH levels, and that is jusct from ONE DIET DRINK. It is important to understand that All serious diseases, (which includes cancer) thrive in an ACIDIC environment.

Plus the sweetener significantly raises insulin levels and has been linked to DIABETES, OBESITY AND METABOLIC SYNDROME. Also, high fructose corn Syrup is derived from genetically modified corn, not exactly a natural substance.

Artificial sweeteners are just that ARTIFICIAL. It is now well known that ASPERTAME has been linked to brain tumors; migraines; headaches; seizures; epilepsy; depression and autoimmune diseases.

SUCROLOSE (Splenda) falls into the same category. Unfortunately we are not told that Splenda falls into this same category, the company claims it is made from sugar, but they neglect to explain that they alter a sugar molecule and insert chlorine-which can be dangerous to our health.

CAFFEINE: has a 6 hour time frame, which means that it will be stay in the body for MORE THAN 6 hours before it actually wears off. Some people can drink coffee and go to sleep, most cannot sleep from the effects. I really like coffee, I simply suggest that for every cup of coffee you drink two (2) cups of water to rehydrate.

What can you take from this short piece on DIET DRINKS? AVOID THEM!

Carrie A. Franklin, Ph.D.

February 28, 2015
