Some of My favorite Homeopathics!

I have been a homeopath for over 25 years, I am happy to share some of my favorite remedies with you:

Apis Mellifica:  For bee stings, I am quite allergic to bees so this remedy is very important to me.  Cuts the pain down significantly, reduces the swelling.  Works great for all strings.  I also use this with clients that have joint pain, real puffy type swelling.

Euphrasia or  Allium Cepa; for allergic reactions.  Euphrasia for the watery eyes, bland nasel discharge.  Allium Cepa sneezing, itching runny nose.

Calendula:  For cuts, bad sunburns

Urtica Urens:  Sun poisoning, bad stinging type feeling

Rhus Toxicodendron:  Good for the rash of Poison ivy, works well with other rashes

I like to use 30C , 4 pellets every 15 minutes for one hour, then 4 more times a day for 2-3 days.  Always stop a remedy once the symptoms are gone.
