
Insomnia: Every person that suffers from Insomnia is unique, and therefore each person needs to be evaluated for their own particular situation. Unnatural foods; environmental toxins; cell phones; lap top computers; televisions; WIFI, all alter our body chemistry and can seriously interfere with our sleep patterns. Here are some things to consider:

  1. Reduce your sugar intake, better yet, avoid sugar all together for 25 days. I call this my 25 day Refined Unnatural Sugar Challenge.
  2. Take all of the electronics out of your bedroom, turn off your WIFI.
  3. Make certain your bedroom is DARK!
  4. Do not watch TV in your bedroom, too stimulating for your nervous system.
  5. There are some good supplements/herbs to consider:   5-HTP; Melatonin; Magnesium; certain types of Calcium work well at promoting sleep, I really like Bone-Up by Jarrow Formulas. (Good balance of minerals)
  6. I have some families trying this: When everyone walks in the door, their phones go into a basket or charging area…turned off. These families are talking more to each other and enjoying other activities with one another. Try it, it works!
  7. Working out each day helps rebalance the body, and helps us sleep much better at night. I do not suggest you go and work out at night and then head to bed. I am probably one person that can actually work out and go to sleep, I have not met another person that can do that!

Carrie A. Franklin, Ph.D.
