Some natural ways to get headache relief

Always increase your hydration, drinking spring water, water-rich fruits and vegetables.  Try and stay away from alcohol, carbonated drinks, and caffeinated beverages, as they honestly do dehydrate the body.

I like using ICE PACKS, actually the cold helps reduce inflammation that can contribute to headaches.

You might consider using Peppermint Oil, you can massage it around your forehead, mixing it into face cream or just with almond oil.

If Ice therapy doesn’t work, try heat therapy, heat relaxes muscles fairly fast.

Another essential oil Lavender works great, a few drops into your hand, rub both hands together, and then inhale.

Magnesium:  This is always my go-to tool.  Magnesium deficiency has been linked to headaches.  I like using this to keep the colon clear and it is amazing for pain relief and stress relief.

Go for a walk, a hike, a bike ride.  Exercise on a daily basis keeps headaches away.  30-45 minutes a day is a great way to enjoy life without headaches.

It is always good to see a doctor when the headaches continue.  But make sure you are not eating the foods that cause allergies, which then cause headaches.

