Thyroid issues!

You might want to check with your doctor if you are experiencing any of the following changes:

*Change in body weight

*Sleep pattern changes

*Thinning hair

*Low Libido

*Difficulty concentrating or remembering things

*Skin changes(drier skin; brittle nails; cold skin or sensitivity to cold)

*Menstrual changes



Are you eating too many carbs?

Gaining weigh easily?  Feel tired after you consume carbohydrates? Feel foggy-headed after meals? Crave sweets? Crave Starchy foods? Weight fluctuates easily? Energy up and down too often? Light-headed or even irritable when you feel hungry?

Try cutting back or even consider avoiding all grains, including whole grains, legumes, as well as high-sugar fresh fruits.

Maybe consider low-sugar berries, such as blueberries when you need a snack.