
Feeling hungry is a constant battle for some of us.  We actually eat bigger portions than our bodies need.  A hormone named GHRELIN is produced in the stomach and intestines and it is often referred to as the “hunger hormone”.  GHRELIN has numerous function in the body, the ability and the inability to stimulate hunger.  When the GHRELIN levels rise, the brain gets a message/signal that it is time to eat food.  My theory is when you feel hungry drink a glass of water and if you are truly hungry you will still feel that hunger pang.  Unfortunately GHRELIN can cause a metabolism to slow down, and the reason for this is just incase we have no access to food.  This why I suggest drinking a full glass of water.

Dehydration:  Even mild dehydration can be masked as feelings of hunger, when your body actually just needs fluids.  Always drink water throughout the day.  Do not wait until you feel thirsty, normally you are dehydrated by that time.

Food for thought:  Eat three meals a day, and if you want you can snack on some almonds (no more than 15) ; low sugar fruits or even some organic yogurt.  (low sugar fruits: peaches; plums; berries and even an apple which has great fiber)

Probiotics also known as Friendly Bacteria!

Maintaining a healthy gut goes way beyond just taking probiotic supplements.  Friendly bacteria is very effective against various digestive problems.  We need approximately 2 pounds of friendly bacteria lining our entire gut/digestive system.  When taking antibiotics; hormone replacement therapy; various drugs and birth control pills taking Friendly bacteria is critical to keeping your gut in balance.  Probiotics have many health benefits:

  1. Help reduce inflammation
  2. Several probiotics have been known to lower total LDL Cholesterol levels
  3. Known to cause a modest reduction in blood pressure
  4. Seem to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression in people with clinical depression
  5. Several strains can enhance immune function and lead to reduced risk of infections, which does include the common cold.
  6. Evidence that probiotics can be quite useful for acne; rosacea and eczema, as well as other skin disorders.

Living a healthy lifestyle, getting enough good sleep, and eating real food (not fast foods) with lots of healthy fiber is the key to good health too.

Stop Smoking! What are you waiting for?

You will need a plan to stop smoking!  Accordingly, to quit smoking/dipping you must be prepared.  Pick a goal date, stick to that date, and start preparing the body for smoking cessation.  Get on a regular exercise program, work on getting your health back, walking is a great way to start your new program.  Biking or even doing home video training workouts will work.  Get lots of sleep as the body need to heal.  Get your teeth cleaned and checked for oral damage from smoking/dipping.  Get your car cleaned out so that the smell of smoke is not lingering.  Avoid parties where there is smoking, try and stay away from people that you know smoke. Important vitamins and minerals will be Vitamin C; All B vitamins; Borage oil and lots of fresh green vegetables (organic) each day.  Hypnosis happens to be one of the best ways to quit, and over 3 times as effective as nicotine replacement therapy.  Write down a list of three reasons why you want to stop smoking!  Become a non-smoker, you know your body will be stronger and healthier.  What are waiting for?

Some of My favorite Homeopathics!

I have been a homeopath for over 25 years, I am happy to share some of my favorite remedies with you:

Apis Mellifica:  For bee stings, I am quite allergic to bees so this remedy is very important to me.  Cuts the pain down significantly, reduces the swelling.  Works great for all strings.  I also use this with clients that have joint pain, real puffy type swelling.

Euphrasia or  Allium Cepa; for allergic reactions.  Euphrasia for the watery eyes, bland nasel discharge.  Allium Cepa sneezing, itching runny nose.

Calendula:  For cuts, bad sunburns

Urtica Urens:  Sun poisoning, bad stinging type feeling

Rhus Toxicodendron:  Good for the rash of Poison ivy, works well with other rashes

I like to use 30C , 4 pellets every 15 minutes for one hour, then 4 more times a day for 2-3 days.  Always stop a remedy once the symptoms are gone.

Homeopathics to consider for Stomach bugs also known as “Turista” to some people

Always have activated charcoal on hand!  Best is to keep fluids going non-stop.  Food should be the least part of recovery.  White Rice (which I rarely suggest using) is very helpful when people are sick in the stomach, as is clear fruit juice (avoid too much fiber juice) low fiber. Probiotics are good to use every day, especially when you have this type of bug.  Generally using homeopathics, 30C, 4 pellets, 4 times a day for 2-3 days.

Homeopathics that are good to think about:

Chamomilla: This person will be very irritable, cranky, they might have very foul smelling greenish diarrhea and complain of gas pains

Arsenicum Album:  Good remedy for a person that has diarrhea related to food poisoning, they might feel so thirsty but will only take small amounts of water

China Officinalis:  Painless diarrhea that leads to debility and exhaustion.  A lot of gas, and gurgling in the digestive tract area.

Veratrum album:  This person is cold, feels cold to the touch, and actually breaks out in a sweat.  They are exhausted and feel as though they are going to faint.

I would  always suggest consulting a doctor, these are just merely suggestions listed above!

Cell Salts for athletes

Cell salts are believed to assist our bodies in absorbing and utilizing macro minerals.  The remedies are selected by very careful observation of the body’s natural signs and symptoms:

Muscle Cramps:  Mag Phos 6X will ease muscle spasms and cramps.  If this remedy does not work try Calc Phos 6X which is Calcium and Magnesium.

Endurance:  Mag Phos 6X and Ferrum Phos 6X taken in combination they will improve endurance.

Dehydration:  Good hydration is absolutely essential for athletes.  I would think of using Nat Mur 6X.

Injury:  When we bleed this actually helps cleanse a wound, but sometimes the bleeding goes on too long, so I like to use Ferrum Phos 6X.

Chafing of your Toes:  Silicia 6X is good for people who suffer from toe chafing, due to sweat between the toes and on the soles of their feet.  Actually Silica helps balance perspiration and does support connective tissue

MSG, try and avoid it!

Avoiding MSG:


If you are trying to avoid MSG, look out for the following ingredients, they all have MSG:

Autolyzed yeast

Calcium caseinate



Glutamic acid

Monosodium glutamate

Sodium caseinate

Textured protein

Yeast extract

Yeast Food

Yeast Nutrient

Hydrolyzed protein

B Vitamins are very important!


B Vitamins: There are 8 B vitamins, normally present in a well-balanced diet and are known to be beneficial for metabolism, brain chemistry, immunity and the cardiovascular and nervous systems:

B-1 Thiamine (oatmeal, peanuts, tofu)

B-2 Riboflavin (eggs, milk, lean meats, asparagus)

B-3 Niacin (salmon, blueberries, sesame seeds)

B-5 Pantothenic Acid (wheat germ, broccoli, shrimp)

B-6 Pyridoxine (baked potato {with skin}, bananas, and peas

B-7 Biotin (nuts, cauliflower, mushrooms)

B-9 Folic Acid (spinach, oranges, beans, whole grains)

B-12 cobalamin (beef, liver, cooked clams, trout)


Many people try and eat a healthful diet, and they may still be low in B Vitamins. Psychological stress and the metabolic stress caused by various illnesses or exposure to air pollution or other environmental toxins, as well as consuming alcohol consumption can all deplete B vitamins. Think about taking a B-Complex supplement daily.



Please, Stop drinking DIET COKE and all DIET DRINKS

Here are some reasons you might want to take this seriously: Drinking these products will NOT help you achieve your health goals. The pH of Sodas are 2.5, which is way too much ACID in the body. Each drink requires more than 10 glasses of water to balance out the body towards more neutral pH levels, and that is jusct from ONE DIET DRINK. It is important to understand that All serious diseases, (which includes cancer) thrive in an ACIDIC environment.

Plus the sweetener significantly raises insulin levels and has been linked to DIABETES, OBESITY AND METABOLIC SYNDROME. Also, high fructose corn Syrup is derived from genetically modified corn, not exactly a natural substance.

Artificial sweeteners are just that ARTIFICIAL. It is now well known that ASPERTAME has been linked to brain tumors; migraines; headaches; seizures; epilepsy; depression and autoimmune diseases.

SUCROLOSE (Splenda) falls into the same category. Unfortunately we are not told that Splenda falls into this same category, the company claims it is made from sugar, but they neglect to explain that they alter a sugar molecule and insert chlorine-which can be dangerous to our health.

CAFFEINE: has a 6 hour time frame, which means that it will be stay in the body for MORE THAN 6 hours before it actually wears off. Some people can drink coffee and go to sleep, most cannot sleep from the effects. I really like coffee, I simply suggest that for every cup of coffee you drink two (2) cups of water to rehydrate.

What can you take from this short piece on DIET DRINKS? AVOID THEM!

Carrie A. Franklin, Ph.D.

February 28, 2015

Want to lose weight? Then eat Breakfast!


Some people THINK THAT IT IS A GOOD IDEA TO SKIP BREAKFAST in an effort to lose Weight, BUT IT IS NOT GOING TO HELP YOU LOSE WEIGHT. Skipping meals, especially breakfast, can actually make weight control more difficult. For the record, Breakfast skippers tend to eat more food than usual at the next meal, or they nibble on high-calorie snacks to stave off hunger.

Some studies suggest that people tend to add more body fat when they eat fewer meals! They will then eat larger meals when they do sit down to eat, rather than eating more frequent meals. There are now new studies that seem to show that weight management can be equally effective without breakfast . I do not believe skipping BREAKFAST!

Why Kids Need Breakfast

While adults need to eat breakfast each day to perform their best, kids need it even more. Their growing bodies and developing brains need regular refueling often, from food. When kids skip breakfast, they don’t get what they need to be at their best. Breakfast is so important to all of us. Short on time? Make the time! Eating a wholesome, nutritious morning meal will probably save you time in the long run. By recharging the brain and body, you’ll be more efficient in just about everything you do.

Interestingly, studies show that kids who skip breakfast are tardy and absent from school more often than children who eat breakfast on a regular basis. Preparing a good breakfast can be as quick and easy as splashing some milk over cereal, or making oatmeal or a healthy smoothie. Smoothie are a great way to get a lot of nutrition in all at once.

My favorite is KEFIR, I like my clients to use that in the smoothies adding in frozen blueberries or fresh fruit, along with ground flaxseed and a Nutritious Protein Power. I personally like to use Coconut Milk, but Almond Milk or Rice Milk are perfectly fine as well. It only takes less than 2 minutes to make a nutritious smoothie for Breakfast.

Carrie A. Franklin, Ph.D.

Nutritionist*Homeopath*Hypnotherapist*Fitness Professional