Apple Cider Vinegar

Great for De-tox and weight loss!  Tremendous for controlling high-blood pressure, can cure yeast infections and is known to help fight off colds.

Can be used for sooth bad sun burns, and if you can even wash your hair with Apple Cider Vinegar.  Wonderful for treating acne, and for men great after shave remedy.

Is known to repel fleas, can clean up your microwave easily and great for deodorizing your laundry.

Lemon Juice

Great for removing Sun spots, high-lights your hair; reduces wrinkles and shrinks facial pores.  Great De-tox abilities; improves digestion and is amazing for soothing a sore throat.  Also, Strengthens immunity.

Great for cleaning glass and mirrors.  Brightens white clothing. Amazing for disinfecting your cutting boards. Try it to brighten up your toilet bowl.


The truth about WHOLE GRAINS

Some of the biggest whole grain offenders include:  BREAD, PASTA, CEREALS, CRACKERS, MUFFINS, DESSERTS, FLOURS, CHIPS AND GRANOLA BARS.

Unfortunately, most grains are the Number One offenders when it comes to ruining your metabolism and stopping your weight loss efforts.

So what should you do?  Well, you might want to consider replacing your grains with vegetables and some fresh fruits.  Try using sprouted grains, like Ezekiel bread or even sourdough bread.

Remember, the 3 compounds in grains that harm our system are GLUTEN, STARCH AND PHYTIC ACID.  Gluten does cause inflammation, which unfortunately is the culprit of all diseases. Starch turns into Sugar, and phytic acid binds with minerals which means you won’t be able to use vital minerals.  Bottom line is whole grains can harm your metabolism.

Fruit juices are filled with Sugar!

People often ask me my opinion of FRUIT JUICE! Way too much Sugar! One 8 ounce glass of fruit juice contains 30 grams of sugar, while Soda (which is also bad for us) contains 28 grams of sugar. Yes, Apple Juice/Grape Juice/Cranberry Juice, they are all full of sugar. Pure Cranberry has no sugar, that is what we use in my field for Bladder issues. So what should you do if you must drink fruit juices, only use 1/2 the amount and mix with pure water. Also, read the labels, try really hard to AVOID the juices that had added corn syrup, dextrose, maltodextrin. Best is to make your OWN homemade juice, by mixing real fresh lemons with water with some stevia. But my best recommondation is to drink coconut water which is the best alternative to the junk in Gatorade.