Foods for health

Certain vitamins and nutrients that your brain craves can be easily obtained from everyday foods. Here is a list of the most potent brain foods:

Beta-Carotene: Broccoli; Carrots; Spinach; Sweet potatoes; Yellow squash

Vitamin A: Egg yolks; fish liver oil; Leafy green vegetables

Vitamin C: Berries; Broccoli; Brussels Sprouts; Citrus fruits; Green peppers

Vitamin E: Kale; Nuts; Olive oil; Pumpkin seeds; Sunflower seeds; Sweet potatoes; Wheat germ

Folic Acid: Asparagus; Brewer’s yeast; Leafy green vegetables; Legumes; Root vegetables

Vitamin B-6: Brussels sprouts; Cauliflower; Legumes; Nuts; Seeds; Whole grains

Vitamin B-12: Cheese; Eggs; Fish; Liver; Meat

Some nutrients play a big role in brain health. I suggest that we all keep our minds sharp and alert, here are a few suggestions:

L-carnitine; B-complex supplements; Ginkgo Biloba; Choline and Enada (NADA)

Try not to drink a lot of alcohol as it does suppress the critical brain fats and can create memory blocks.

Suicide is way up right now

We have a real public health crisis, especially for our young adults, mental health and addiction is out of control. We have drugs surging across our open border, making the cartel and gangs millions of dollars, not to mention billions for China. Please watch out for those that are truly vulnerable during all of this chaos. Please contact your congressman and senators and demand that the border be closed. We all know why the border is open, the left wants more votes at the cost of our Americans being killed with drugs and criminals.