Great Courses and Now Certified

Finally, I finished all of my courses and exams:
I am now  certified in the following areas:
*Balancing Hormones for Optimal Weight Loss
*Burning Belly Fat
*Get Rid of Belly Fat through Nutrition and Exercise
*Balancing Hormones through Nutrition
*Womens Hormones & Exercise
*Understanding Hormones
*Balancing Hormones for Optimal Weight Loss
*Fitness for Cancer Survivors
*Research and Exercise for Breast Cancer Patients
*How Hormones and Metabolism Change the Training of Females
Through IDEA Health and Fitness Association, and the main theme is that in order to live a healthy and happy life we all need to exercise every single day. And, the foods we eat definitely affect our emotions, attitude and ability to be at peace and to feel happy. SUGAR is not good for any of us! And, we must keep our Insulin levels and Cortisol levels under control.
I really enjoyed these courses!

Courses Just completed regarding Fitness and Hormones.

I just completed the following courses with certification:
*Balancing Hormones for Optimal Weight Loss
*Burning Belly Fat
*Get Rid of Belly Fat through Nutrition and Exercise
*Balancing Hormones through Nutrition
*Womens Hormones & Exercise

Through IDEA Health and Fitness Association, and the main theme is that in order to live a healthy and happy life we all need to exercise every single day. And, the foods we eat definitely affect our emotions, attitude and ability to be at peace and to feel happy. SUGAR is not good for any of us!

Exercising keeps our blood sugar in balance, and our Cortisol levels under control.


Acid/Alkaline foods

Acid Forming Foods: Milk/Cheese; Eggs; Beans; Sugar/Sweetners; Walnuts/Pecans; Fats/oils; Prunes; Plums; Cranberries; Wheat/Barley/Pasta; Beans.

Make sure you balance your eating program with Alkaline Forming Foods:
Fruits/Vegetables; Sea Vegetables; Sea Salt (only a little); Raw Dairy; Miso; Herbal Teas/Lemon Water; Pumplin seeds/Almonds; Millet/Quinoa; Tamari/Shoyu.
Balance is the Key!

Keep those cell phones away from your head!

Protect your entire family: Cell phones affect all of us, but especially our children’s brain. The bone marrow of the child’s head absorbs 10 times more radiation than that of an adult. Things to remember for all of us:
*Distance is your friend! Keep that phone away from your head!
* Pregnant women need to keep that phone away from their abdomens, and men that wish to become fathers should never keep activated phones in their pockets.
*Turn off your wireless router at night to minimize exposure to radiation
*Do not text and drive!
*Don’t allow children to play with your cell phone. Older children should us speaker phone feature or a safe head set.
*too many people are suffering from Cancer and the use of Cell Phones around their head region.
*Eat green vegetables and get a good night’s sleep in a dark room to enhance natural repair of DNA that may have been damaged by the use of cell phones.
I write about this quite a bit….and I hope people actually listen.

Feeling Low Energy?

Try and get more sleep at night!  Try not to eat too close to going to bed.  Try and keep all computers turned off that might be in your bedroom, including your cell phone. Also, alcohol does cause sleeping issues.  Maybe cut down the amount you are drinking, and drink more water throughout the day.

Using a good probiotic is always a good start.  Taking a multi-vitamin with breakfast is always suggested.  Good energy boosters:  Chromium; ENADA; Vitamin C.

Get out a walk 45-60 minutes each day.  That will make your body feel much more energetic.  Stay away from Sugar!


What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is based on the principle that ‘LIKE CURES LIKE”.  That is if a substance can cause symptoms of disease in a healthy person, then it can cure a sick person suffering from similar symptoms.  For example, a person has hay fever, with watery eyes and a burning nasal discharge.  Instead of giving an antihistamine to dry up the discharge, a homeopath might prescribe ALLIUM CEPA, which  is a tiny dose of ONION.  The remedies are prepared by a homeopathic pharmacy in accordance with FDA-approved guidelines. Onions are known to cause watery eyes and burning nasal discharge.

Homeopathy does regard symptoms as the body’s healthy attempt to restore itself to a balance.  When a homeopath uses a remedy it supports the symptoms, rather than opposing them or suppressing them as in conventional medicine.

I am trained as a constitutional Practitioner, which means treating the whole person. rather than just the symptoms alone,but I really work eclectically.